Multifamily Residential

Derby Capitol Hill LLC

Derby Capitol Hill LLC

The Derby Capitol Hill project is a 9,000 square foot floor plate three story concrete podium with 6 stories of wood framing above. The concrete structure included 1700 yards of concrete and 165 tons of reinforcing steel. The building is situated in a very tight urban neighborhood in Seattle, WA with overhead power lines along the street, an active bus line, and very little alley access. Furthermore the concrete podium construction started approximately 6 weeks late due to contaminated soils discovered during the excavation of the building.

During the preconstruction stage Franklin Pacific developed a BIM model and detailed construction schedule to assure we could recover the lost 6 weeks once we were able to begin the concrete work. The BIM model assisted in discovering and resolving any constructability and design issues before we began work. It also instrumental in coordinating schedule with other subs and working out the construction logistics on this constrained site. We convinced the structural engineer to allow us to shotcrete rather than cast in place the basement walls and core walls as a time saving measure. This extensive level of preconstruction planning coined with working overtime allowed us to recover the 6 weeks of schedule. We topped out the concrete and handed over the site to the wood framing subcontractor ahead of schedule by about 1 week.

Client reference

GC: Kirtley-Cole Associates LLC

Owner: KOZ Development Inc

Location: Seattle, WA

Contracted Amount: $1,755,857.65