Bridge and Road Work

Redmond Central Connector

Redmond Central Connector

Franklin Pacific was the bridge subcontractor to IO Environmental and Infrastructure in 2016 for the Redmond Central Connector project. The project involved the restoration and expansion of approximately 4 miles of pedestrian and bicycle trail in Redmond Washington. FPC’s scope entailed the rehabilitation and conversion of a long timber railroad bridge. Select repairs were made to the heavy timber bents which required lifting and shoring the existing foot main span steel truss to facilitate replacing the abutment framing. Concrete deck panels and new cable railing was then installed. All of the work had to take place from the river banks with extreme care taken to not damage the existing vegetation nor introduce any debris into the Sammamish River.

Client reference

Customer: IO Environmental and Infrastructure Inc.

Owner: City of Redmond

Location: Redmond, WA

Contract Amount: $1,031,917.27